8 Signs That You Struggle With Perfectionism and Why Therapy for Perfectionists Would Help You Feel Less Anxious and Stressed: Perfectionism is a personality trait where an individual is constantly striving to be and do things perfectly, they have extremely high (generally unattainable) standards, and struggle to accept anything less what they believe is perfect. […]
What is High-Functioning Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone has, it is a reaction to stress. It can be helpful at times like when you have a job interview, need to give a speech, have a presentation, or need to meet a tight deadline. It motivates us to prepare, study, and get things done. High-functioning anxiety is […]
12 Questions to ask a prospective therapist in Los Angeles, CA
Oh, Los Angeles! Such a huge area, so many people, so many cars, so much traffic. So many therapists! It can be a struggle to try to find a therapist in LA because there so many! It can easily get overwhelming. Even when you find a few that seem good, you may still have no […]
A Guide to Finding a Therapist in Los Angeles, CA
You are ready to start the hunt to find a therapist in LA County but are wondering “How do I Find a Therapist” in such a big area? LA seems to have more therapists than Starbucks (and we all know Starbucks is everywhere!). In large areas like Los Angeles there are thousands of therapists and […]